Continuing Professional Development (CPDs)

Core Conservation offers a wide variety of practical building conservation CPDs useful for a wide range of professionals including architects, surveyors, building professionals, conservation officers, structural engineers, building control staff etc. 

These are all RIBA core curriculum CPDs on the topic of Building Conservation and Heritage as described here:

Building Conservation CPD Topics

Here is the list of CPDs we offer, however we are happy to cover other areas  of building conservation, if required. 

1. BREATHABILITY - The Conservation of Stonework, Brickwork, Timber and Concrete

RIBA Core Curriculum CPD

This CPD covers:

  • New breakthrough discoveries about breathability, its mechanisms, as part of a doctorate research. This research received the Best Research Paper Award by The Academy of Sciences on the XV. International Conference on Architectural Conservation and Common Architectural Conservation Problems in London.
  • Why breathable walls retain moisture, and more. 
  • How to enhance the breathability of building materials?

2. NEW MATERIALS - The Potential Impact (visual, physical, chemical, biological, environmental) of New Materials on Old Buildings / Sites / Monuments

RIBA Core Curriculum CPD

This CPD covers:

  • The unintended consequences of modern, new, non-breathable materials - cement, gypsum, plastic membranes and tanking - on older building.
  • Available building-friendly alternatives for plastering, rendering, waterproofing, structural consolidation - which all can be performed with lime.
  • Roman lime technology: what did the Romans do that their buildings lasted for 2,000 years? 

3. SURVEYING - Invasive and Non-Invasive Analysis of the Building Fabric

RIBA Core Curriculum CPD

This CPD covers:

  • Masonry and timber dampness analysis - humidity and salinity measurements. Moisture meter technologies, gravimetric (drilled core sampling) analysis, chemical test stripes for salt analysis. Pros and cons of each method.
  • How to interpret the data, what these tell you about the building and how to address various moisture related problems?
  • The use of embedded moisture sensors. Data loggers, climate and timber sensors, long term moisture monitoring with case studies.

4. THERMAL INSULATION - Thermal Upgrade & Insulation of Listed Buildings, Buildings in Conservation Areas and of Traditional Solid Wall Construction

RIBA Core Curriculum CPD

This CPD covers:

  • Breathable lime-based insulation technologies for old buildings: Aerogel-lime thermal plasters (best breathable insulation on the market), hemp/perlite/rice peel insulations, etc.
  • Fundamental insulation design differences between older and newer buildings
  • How to improve U-values and manage the dew point?
  • How to insulate and deal with moisture in a conservation-friendly way: damp walls, earth touching walls, solid walls, high salinity walls etc.

5. LIME WATERPROOFING - Lime as a Waterproofing Material. Historical Background. Tanking Cellars and Basements

RIBA Core Curriculum CPD

This CPD covers:

  • Lime as a waterproofing material: traditional Roman waterproofing lime plasters and mortars
  • The role and importance of salts, what damages they can make
  • Waterproofing old walls, salt-resistant lime mixes
  • Breathable lime tanking solutions for cellars and basements

6. LIME STRUCTURAL CONSOLIDATION - Lime as a Structural Consolidation Material. Historical Background. Practical Applications 

RIBA Core Curriculum CPD

This CPD covers:

  • Lime consolidation mortars: lime as a structural consolidation material, historic use
  • Characteristics of lime structural consolidation mortars
  • Consolidating old masonry using high compression strength but breathable lime consolidating mortars.
  • Underpinning using high compression strength but breathable lime consolidating mortars.

7. RISING DAMP -  The Mechanism of Rising Damp. Its Effects On Vapour Permeable Materials

RIBA Core Curriculum CPD

This CPD covers:

  • Breakthrough discoveries about the mechanism of rising damp as part of a doctorate research
  • Limitations of breathability: why breathable walls can still develop rising damp?
  • How to solve rising damp sympathetically and non-invasively?