Replastering old damp walls - often subject to considerable salt efflorescence and crumbling - needs special attention due to:
- The breathable nature of the wall fabric
- Very specific technical challenges associated with damp and salty walls.
In order to understand the key concepts behind the replastering of old damp walls, let's look at the main design differences between older and newer buildings.Â
Older and Newer Buildings
Older and newer buildings have been built very differently. They also deal with moisture differently.Â
Older buildings (pre-1940s) have been designed and built to be water permeable. Breathable materials allow a large percentage of the moisture to evaporate.
Newer buildings have been built watertight, using modern non-permeable materials (including plastics), designed to keep moisture out.
Using Newer Materials on Older Buildings
As a result of these fundamental design and construction differences, using non-breathable newer materials on older buildings can have detrimental effects, leading to the rapid decay of the weaker, older fabric for the following reasons:
- Moisture: the fabric of old walls can naturally contain significant amounts of moisture. The moisture can originate from multiple sources commonly from the ground (e.g. rising damp, water splashback) or the air (e.g. rain, sea-spray etc.).
- Salts: the fabric of older buildings often contains significant amounts of salts, especially near ground level. Water dissolves the salts from the environment and transports them into the building fabric. Most common sources of salts are rising damp (salts absorbed from the ground), leaks/water ingress (running water washing salts into the fabric), the chimney soot (which contains high amounts of sulphate salts), as well as the air (from sea spray, salty winds or pollution from cars or nearby factories). These salts accumulate over time in the wall fabric and the older the building the higher its salts content.
- Modern non-breathable materials: act as moisture barriers trapping moisture, which can lead to significant moisture accumulation inside the wall fabric. Some modern materials, such as cement, contains lots of additives and salts, which contributes to the damages. The combined effect of moisture + salts through multiple mechanisms start an irreversible degradation of the old wall fabric.
Restoring breathability of the old fabric reduces the moisture content of the masonry which often results in a significant improvement. However, the removal of non-breathable materials does not always fully reverses the masonry's condition to its original condition as damages caused by salts are to a large extent irreversible.
Thus, as a general rule, older (pre-1940s) building should be renovated with traditional breathable building materials. Cement plasters and plastic membranes should be avoided if possible, and for replastering or re-rendering works breathable lime alternatives should be sought.
The Problem of Salts
Contrary to common belief it's not moisture that damages the wall fabric or the plastering. It's the salts. High moisture content alone does not damage old buildings. Salts do.
Although water can cause damages to lime plasters through flooding, longstanding water ingress or frost, in the vast majority of cases, clean rainwater evaporates without a trace without causing any damages. Thus, dampness caused by clean fresh water is fully reversible.
The real problem, however, is when dampness is combined with minerals or salts. In the presence of salts everything changes. Salts are hard, solid minerals that in the presence of water temporarily go liquid. However, when humidity evaporates the salts re-crystallize and expand in volume 5-10 times. The crystallization or mechanical expansion of salt crystals is what makes old masonries or plasters crumble, salts being responsible for far more damages than water ingress and frost. This is a very important technical point that needs to be understood.
On real buildings the effect of salts can be very difficult to assess, as dissolved salts become invisible to the eye and touch, only dampness being obviously present. However, under controlled laboratory conditions the effect of salts can be easily demonstrated, measured and understood.
Here is a lab experiment: when two identical bricks - one salty, the other one not - have been subjected to high air humidity variations for an extended period of time, the salty brick has crumbled badly while the non-salty brick stayed completely intact in a high humidity environment.
So salts are the real problem, however it's water that carries them everywhere, contributing to their damaging effects.
Replastering Old Damp Walls - The Usual Way
Commonly, old buildings are replastered with lime plasters to keep the fabric breathable. This indeed checks the breathability aspect, however it does not address the problem of salts. Normal lime plasters are not salt resistant, thus they can easily be damaged by salts. As a result, the longevity of lime plastering is often much shorter than it could be.
But, there is a better way. There is a plastering solution that combines breathability, salt resistance and longevity of plastering in one robust, workable, tried-and-tested, building-friendly, traditional solution.
Addressing the Problem of Masonry Salts
Dealing with high humidity and the destructive effect of salts requires special lime plasters. These are ancient plaster mixes initially used by the Phoenicians and Greeks, then rediscovered and perfected by the Romans throughout the centuries. Being outstanding architects and builders, the Romans have observed that adding to lime certain volcanic sands and ashes (also known as natural pozzolans - highly porous and breathable lava materials), these can significantly alter the properties of lime while retaining its breathability.
Through the skilful use of different types of volcanic sands and ashes, the Romans have created many types of lime mortars with outstanding properties - some of them becoming waterproof or able to set underwater, or becoming highly resistant to salts resisting seawater.
These volcanic lime mortars have been extensively used by the Romans in very demanding environments including sewers, ports, spas and aqueducts and they have survived for many centuries. They have also been widely used in Venice, as they perform extremely well in the humid and aggressive environment of the Venetian lagoon.
Traditional pozzolanic Roman mortars differ significantly from today’s modern NHL (Natural hydraulic lime) mortars.
NHL mortars - a mix of lime and clay - need to be fired at higher temperatures than normal (air) limes for the lime and clay to react. The higher firing temperatures and more heat partially closes off the pores of NHL plasters, reducing their breathability. Thus, NHL plasters trade-off breathability for improved water resistance.
Roman mortars use lime and volcanic materials. These are mixed at room temperature without heat as the volcanic sands and ashes have already been pre-burnt by the volcano. This keeps the pores structure open resulting in high breathability. The volcanic ingredients make the plaster highly resistant to dampness and salts, making these Roman mortars perform extremely well in damp and salty environments.
The commercially available material today is the Rinzaffo MGN lime plaster. It comes in 25 kg bags with all necessary ingredients pre-mixed, requiring only water. Once it hardens it becomes waterproof, extremely resistant to all salts (chlorides, nitrates, sulphates), yet thanks to its porous volcanic lava ingredients, it stays breathable allowing the wall fabric to breathe.
This plaster - depending on where it's used - performs several important functions:
- Liquid moisture barrier: as a result of its special pore structure, this plaster acts as a selective moisture barrier, stopping liquid water while allowing the passage of vapours.
- Salt barrier: this plaster acts a salt barrier, protecting subsequent lime coats from premature decay caused by dampness and salts. As a result the longevity of lime plastering increases by about 10 times.
- Consolidates the frail, crumbly masonry, providing a solid, dry, breathable surface to build on.Â
- Internal humidity regulator: by stopping liquid water it regulates the internal humidity, creating a drier, healthier, warmer, more comfortable climate.
- Improves the performance of thermal insulation by keeping any thermal plaster applied on it dry. A dry insulation performs thermally much better than a moist or damp insulation.
This lime plaster is made exclusively of natural materials. It contains no chemicals nor additives. All prime materials as well as the final product is certified.
Thus, the Rinzaffo MGN plaster is a lime plaster that acts as breathable water and salt filter. Due to its small pores it blocks liquid water. Due to its open pore structure allows the wall fabric to breathe. Having no salt content of its own, it does not introduce salts into the masonry. Being waterproof, it becomes impervious to salt penetration and crystallization, resulting in an extremely long service life even in very demanding and damp environments (e.g. basements).
An Improved, Longer-Lasting Lime Replastering
The improved lime plastering schedule, that "ticks all boxes" - breathability, water and salt resistance, moisture control, long life expectancy - consists of the application of the following 3 plaster coats:
- Base coat: the Rinzaffo MGN Roman salt-resistant lime base coat
- Main coat: a main lime plaster coat, which can be a regular or thermal lime coat
- Finishing coat (optional): a good quality lime finish
This concept is very similar to the current lime renovation concept, except it extends that by adding the Roman waterproof, salt-resistant base coat to the plastering schedule. This Roman coat does the "heavy lifting" in the background, protecting the other lime coats (the main and finishing coats) from premature decay from the combined effect of humidity and salts. Being a heritage-friendly material, it is extensively used in one of the most historic cities of the world - Venice - a World Heritage Site.Â
The renovation concept is detailed below.
For more information, please see below a list of recommended MGN lime plasters for the implementation of this solution, as well as technical pages, projects, image galleries and videos related to this solution and materials.