
Thermal Insulation Upgrade

Listed Farm Building
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Overview of the Project

This 200 year-old listed farm house consists of two sections: the building and the tower.

The tower having 3 external walls has been the coldest part of the building. Due to the listed status of the building only a breathable thermal insulation solution could have been considered and approved by the conservation officer.

As the internal space was at premium, a high-performance thin-profile thermal insulation would have been the ideal choice.

To confirm to all these requirements a combination of two lime insulation materials has been proposed and used:

These 2 plaster coats, combined into a 30 mm breathable thermal insulation, have reduced the heat losses of the tower by about 4 times, reducing the U-value from an assumed 2.00 before to a 0.56 U-value after.

U-value calculation: 30 mm breathable thermal insulation

To make the thermal insulation perform at its best, the insulation has not been applied directly onto the wall but onto a special lime base: the Rinzaffo MGN Roman salt-resistant and waterproof lime base coat. This performs several important functions, directly affecting the performance and longevity of the thermal insulation:

  • Being waterproof, it keeps the thermal insulation dry. Thus, it improves its thermal performance, as a damp insulation performs much worse than a dry one.
  • Salt-resistant: by blocking the hygroscopic salts, the Roman base protects the insulation from premature mechanical breakdown as a result of alt crystallization.. This extends the longevity of the thermal insulation by about 5-10 times.

Here is a photo gallery about the application of the Termorasante Aerogel MGN superinsulating lime-aerogel thermal plaster during this project..  

Solutions Implemented

These solutions were implemented during the project:

Products Used

Here are the products used during this project to resolve the problem:

More Information

Here are some related pages with more technical information related ot this project.

Any Questions?

Have a similar project? If you have any questions about anything - please get in touch using the contact form below. Give us as much detail as you can about your project so we can get back to you with more relevant answers. 

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