
Facade Restoration with Lime

Stone and Brick Facade Restoration
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Masonry Damage Mechanisms

Old and heritage buildings are invaluable cultural assets, but they face numerous challenges that threaten their structural integrity and aesthetic appeal. Among the most significant threats are dampness, salt damage and acid rain. These factors can cause severe deterioration of building facades, leading to costly repairs and potential loss of historical value.


Dampness can cause problems to old buildings primarily through water ingress, persistent condensation and frost.

  • Water ingress (rainwater penetration, leaks etc.) can cause significant damages to the wall fabric and decoration.
  • Persistent condensation can lead to significant liquid water accumulation, causing damages and rot. 
  • Frost through expansion can cause crumbling and damages to the fabric. Frost damages in the UK, due to its relatively mild climate, are not significant.

Dampness alone, however, is usually not a problem. If the wall fabric can breathe, moisture can freely evaporate from it. Rain water or fresh water that contains no other dissolved materials evaporates without a trace, causing no damages to the wall fabric.

The real problems start in the presence of salts.


In dry state, salts are hard crystalline materials.

In the presence of water, salts get dissolved by water and carried into the masonry by the water flow (e.g. rainwater, rising damp etc.).

When the water evaporates the salts recrystallize, expanding 5-10 times in volume, causing salt crystallization - known as efflorescence if the salt crystallization is on the surface, or subflorescence if the salt crystallization occurs under the surface. This crystallization process creates huge pressure (up to 500 atmospheres) on the pore walls, leading to the cracking, spalling, flaking or crumbling of the masonry. Over time, many subsequent crystallization cycles can result in significant materials loss or structural damage. In addition, some salts are hygroscopic, meaning they attract moisture from the air. This can create a continuous cycle of wetting and salt crystallization, exacerbating the damage.

Loss of historic fabric due to salt crystallization

Acid Rain

Acid rain is another major factor contributing to the deterioration of heritage building facades. It is primarily caused by the emission of sulphur dioxide (SOâ‚‚) and nitrogen oxides (NOâ‚“) from vehicles and industrial processes. These pollutants react with water vapours in the atmosphere and form sulfuric and nitric acids, which then fall as acid rain.

When acid rain comes into contact with building materials, it can cause severe chemical weathering. Limestone and marble, commonly used in historic buildings, are particularly vulnerable. The acid reacts with the calcium carbonate (lime) in these stones, forming calcium sulphate (gypsum), which is soluble so it can easily be washed away by rainwater.

This process not only erodes the stone but also leads to the loss of intricate carvings and architectural details that are often irreplaceable.

Limestone fabric loss as a result of acid rain

Brick and mortar are also affected by acid rain. The acid can weakens the binding properties of lime mortars, leading to crumbling and loss of cohesion between bricks. Over time, this can compromise the structural integrity of the building, necessitating extensive restoration efforts.

Restoration Solutions

To repair old facades damages by moisture, salts or acid rain, the damaged bricks or stones can be cut out and replaced by similar stones or bricks in good condition.

brick replacement
Brick replacement

An alternative restoration option can be the rebuilding or repair of damaged bricks or stones with a combination of salt and acid-resistant Roman lime plaster, followed by a decorative white or coloured lime coat.

Here are the required materials for this type of repair:

  1. Bentoncino Consolidante MGN consolidation plaster suitable for the rebuilding and/or mechanical consolidation of frail, damaged bricks or stones.
  2. Sanacolor 2000 MGN decorative lime plaster to recreate the desired visual texture of bricks or stones. This plaster comes in 24 standard colours and virtually any decorative texture can be recreated with it.

Please see photo gallery below for examples. ALL visual-aesthetic designs below have been created using the Sanacolor 2000 MGN lime plaster by combining multiple colours and creating different textures.

Recommended Products

Here are the typical recommended materials / products for this solution. Other plaster variations are possible as we have different types of main coats (normal or thermal) and finishes (smoother, grainier, coloured etc.) depending on your needs or application. Please get in touch to discuss additional options.

More Information

Here are some related pages with additional technical information, giving you a more in-depth understanding of this topic.

Photo Galleries

Here are some photos demonstrating this solution. Click on any image to open the photo gallery.

Buildings renovated with MGN plasters

Here are some famous international building / heritage monuments which have all been renovated with MGN plasters. 

Dealing with Excess Salinity - Salt Warehouses of Venice (Magazzini del Sale)

The Salt Warehouses of Venice (Magazzini del Sale) date back to the beginning of the 15th century. They were built to store a very precious trade commodity: salt. Situated across 9 large halls, the salt warehouse could hold up to 4500 tons of salts.

As a result of its location (Venice) and its use (a salt storage) it is probably the most salty building fabric in the world. The only lime plaster capable of withstanding such an extremely salty environment is the Rinzaffo MGN Roman salt-resistant base coat. This plaster is also gentle to the historic fabric – when it reaches its end of its life, it comes off gently without damaging the underlying historic (in this case the nearly 600-year old) wall fabric.

Any Questions? Need Technical Advice?

If you have any questions about a project, a problem, a solution, or any of our plasters - please get in touch.

We understand that each project is unique. Using the contact form below feel free to ask us any questions. Give us as much detail as you can about your project so we can get back to you with more relevant answers. 

Are you in the process of buying / selling the property?
Preferred time for the survey? (tick all that applies)

Plaster Application

Here are some key application points about the application of each plaster, as well as links to the full application guides. Additional documents can be found on the individual plaster pages. 



Base, Building, Consolidation, Flooring

  • Clean the masonry: the plaster must be applied on a cleaned and uniformly wet substrate. All crumbling and loose parts must be removed by brushing so the masonry is free of dust, salts and oils. If possible, also wash the walls with a pressure washer; this will clean and wet the walls in one go. Close larger holes with lime mortar and pieces of bricks.
  • No salt-inhibitors nor PVA bonding agents should be used before the application of the plaster. The plaster bonds well on its own.
  • Mixing: mix the material with clean tap water only without adding anything else (no other material or additive), until a homogenous, creamy-consistency mix is obtained. 
  • Application: apply the plaster in 10 mm coats.
  • Light key: give the plaster a light key using a wet brush. Do not cut into the material with the edge of a trowel.
  • Additional coats can be applied in further 10 mm increments. Use an embedded fibreglass mesh for extra reinforcement over the recommended thickness.
  • Application conditions: ambient and wall temperatures must be between +5 to +30°C during application. Surfaces should be protected from rain and humidity until they have completely dried (approx. 3 – 10 days depending on weather conditions).

Sanacolor 2000

  • Clean the masonry: the plaster must be applied on a cleaned and uniformly wet substrate. All crumbling and loose parts must be removed by brushing so the masonry is free of dust, salts and oils. If possible, also wash the walls with a pressure washer; this will clean and wet the walls in one go. Close larger holes with lime mortar and pieces of bricks.
  • Mixing: mix the material with clean tap water only without adding anything else (no other material or additive), until a homogenous, creamy-consistency mix is obtained. 
  • Application: apply the plaster in 10 mm coats.
  • Recommended thickness: the recommended application thickness is about 20 mm.
  • Additional coats can be applied in further 10 mm increments. Use an embedded fibreglass mesh for extra reinforcement over the recommended thickness.
  • Finishing: apply the last 5 mm of plaster as finish, creating the desired texture. Alternatively a fine plaster can also be applied, if needed (Rasante B2007 MGN) is recommended.  
  • Various textured finishes can be achieved, depending on the finishing technique used:
    • Coarse finish: by finishing the surface with a sponge or wooden trowel.
    • Smooth finish: by using a stainless steel trowel, compressing and smoothing the semi-dry surface, the sand granules are pushed into the material, resulting in a smooth finish.
    • Washed finish: by finishing the surface with a sponge trowel. After the surface has hardened, the surface is washed with water and blotted with a sponge to bring out the aggregate, its specific texture and colour.
  • Painting: as this is a coloured plaster, it does not need painting. However, it can be painted with a breathable mineral paint. Wallpapers and modern emulsion petrol-based paints, with no or limited breathability, should be avoided.
  • Application conditions: ambient and wall temperatures must be between +5 to +30°C during application. Surfaces should be protected from rain and humidity until they have completely dried (approx. 3 – 10 days depending on weather conditions).