
University of Surrey - Collaborative Research

Moisture, Salt Crystallization & Freeze-Thaw Research
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We visited the University of Surrey to discuss a collaborative research programme between Core Conservation and the Department of Structural Engineering of the University of Surrey.

One of the research topics we discussed was the evaluation of structural performance of historic masonries affected by moisture and harmful environmental conditions. The research would evaluate the effects of moisture, salt crystallisation, and freeze-thaw cycles on historic masonry.

Test stone samples for lab research use

Core Conservation would act as the industry partner during the duration of the programme. Through our expertise we would advise and provide support during the creation of proof of concepts and non-destructive measurement protocols for the accurate measurement of multiple masonry parameters.

This research would have direct applications for the protection of the structural integrity of historic masonry structures.

As part of our visit we have also looked at some of the research equipment of the Structural Engineering lab to get a better understanding of testing and measurement possibilities.

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Research - University of Surrey - Collaborative Research Project

We visited the University of Surrey to discuss a collaborative research project about the structural performance of historic masonries affected by moisture, salt crystallisation, and freeze-thaw cycles. Here are some photos of some of the equipment of the Structural Engineering lab.