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Magnetic DPC Installation

Setup, Installation, Performance Monitoring
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The Magnetic DPC Installation Procedure

The magnetic DPC system needs to be professionally installed by one of our trained engineers. The typical installation time for a residential home is about half a day (3-4 hours). For larger buildings (e.g. commercial buildings, country houses etc.) this can take longer, but it's typically done within the same day.

The following actions are performed during a typical installation:

1. Drawing a Floor Plan


We draw or ask for a floor plan of the building. Some of our key data of what we be added onto the floor plan to give you a better understanding of the situation.

2. Choosing the Location of the DPC system


The DPC system is installed on a ceiling. It can go in a cellar or basement, in a pantry or cupboard or in a loft. Every building is different and we also have some constraints. In choosing the location of the magnetic DPC we want to keep the system hidden, and also fully functional. 

Our engineers discuss with you all the options, make suggestions and  while consider your suggestions and preferences. 

3. Magnetic DPC System Installation


The magnetic DPC system installation can now commence. The DPC systems are securely fitted with a screw mount onto the ceiling. They are also earthed with an Earth wire to the wall, a pipe or the an earthing cable.  

The system is small and unobtrusive. I initially imagined that it would be large... that it would get in the way and disfigure the ceiling. I feared that it would be be great big pods in each room. But when I understood that one pod would effectively treat the whole house then that convinced me that it was a good idea.

Now we don't even realize it's there. You walk through the doorway, it's above you and you take absolutely no notice of it whatsoever.

Anne F - Housewife

4. Wall Core Dampness Measurements


The moisture content of the walls is closely monitored throughout the dehydration process using the gravimetric method, which is the most accurate measurement method.

Masonry moisture content is determined from drilled powder samples taken from the core of the wall using a precision scale and drying oven. Each wall sample is first weighted (wet weight), dried in the oven, then weighted again (dry weight). Moisture content is calculated from the difference between the wet and the dry weights

I was a bit worried about holes being dug into walls to check for damp. But again, the holes made for the checks are very-very tiny and Core Conservation always fills them so that they are completely unobtrusive. And I'm delighted to say that the dining room is now dry which is wonderful, and we can now repaint the areas which were affected.

Anne F - Housewife

5. Additional Measurements


Often we take additional measurements which can include professional salts analysisinfrared thermography etc.

Salts measurements are of primary importance as it can significantly affect the dehydration period of the building and determines the renovation measures to be undertaken after the dehydration of the building fabric.

After the magnetic DPC installation all collected information goes into a folder called “The building pack”. We send you a printed copy of all relevant documents including floor plans, measurements and checklists.

Long-Term Progress Monitoring

Following the magnetic DPC installation the monitoring phase begins. This can typically last 1-2 years, depending on how long it will take the building to dry out, which depends on a number of a factors, including:

  • The initial moisture content of the walls
  • Salts content of the building fabric
  • Environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity, heating, ventilation etc.)
  • Thickness of walls
  • Other hidden problems than can interfere with the dehydration (e.g. leaks, water ingress)
  • Size or type of the dehydration unit applied

This monitoring service which is included in the price has the following benefits:

  • Peace of mind: you can be certain that the rising damp problem is sorted in your building for real, not just temporarily.
  • Finding & advising about other (hidden) issues: during our follow-up measurements we often find additional (hidden and longstanding) problems with the building, which we will analyze, quantify and let you know about how to best address or overcome it. Leaks, water ingress, chimney problems are common such problems which can be difficult to pinpoint, we often find them and advise you about how to deal with them.
  • Renovation advice: once the building becomes dry we can can advise you about the various renovation options so you can choose the one that best fits your taste, budget and time frame. We go over with you the pros and cons of each option so you can make an informed decision and prevent costly renovation mistakes.

Awards & Nominations

This solution(s) on this page has won / been nominated for the following industry awards:

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Photo Galleries

Here are some photos demonstrating these concepts. Click on any image to open the photo gallery.

Research - Magnetic DPC Performance

A magnetic DPC system has been installed in the crypt of a large church along with comprehensive research equipment, taking consecutive readings from the depth and surface of the walls, as well as the environment.   


Here are some videos related to this solution. Please unmute the videos when playing them.