
RasoThermo Heres

Fibre-reinforced Superinsulating Lime Plaster
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RasoThermo Heres - Description

The RasoThermo Heres lime thermal plaster is a natural, breathable and long-lasting insulation choice that can be applied on any type of masonry, old or new. It is a two-component plastering system—consisting of a thermal base coat (with 1-1.2 mm granulation) and a thermal finish (with a granulation of 0.5-0.7 mm).

It aims to save energy in buildings by reducing condensation and mould, by improving the insulation and thermal bridging of plastered walls, pillars, door and window frames, the thermal insulation of residential and commercial buildings—both interior and exterior including ceilings, balconies, overhangs, and concrete structures. Applying a 5 mm thick coat on all four sides of pillars and beams can limit thermal bridging and eliminate condensation. 

The applied mixture does not absorb heat, resulting in a much lower U-value (thermal conductance) of applied surfaces. It also makes the substrates particularly resistant to fungus and mould, resulting in significant energy savings and considerable improvement in the quality of life.

The product complies with Green Building Standards.

Key Features

Here are some key features of this product.
Being a lime plaster, it's naturally vapour permeable or breathable.
Very Good Insulator
This lime plaster has extremely good insulating properties, while being breathable.
Due to its composition and extremely high thermal perfomance, it is classed as a super-insulator. 
Heat Reflectant
Thanks to its excellent heat reflectance, it creates a high thermal comfort in the room.
Suitable for Listed buildings
This plaster is suitable for historic or listed buildings and heritage renovations.  


  • Natural air lime: highest purity lime containing min 90% CaO, classified as CL90S according to EN-459-1 standard
  • Cocciopesto (ground terracotta): brick powder milled from traditional porous bricks, wood fired at low temperatures at around 600°C
  • Natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5, certified according to EN-459-1 standard
  • Natural perlite
  • Cellular glass: made of recycled glass, sand and other natural materials, creating millions of completely sealed glass cells
  • Thermo expanded aggregates
  • Lightweight micro silica: lightweight amorphous (non-crystalline) micro silica
  • Light aggregates
  • Natural resin
  • Reinforcing microfibres


Granulation (mm)
Base 1.0, Fine 0.5
Vapour diffusion resistance (μ)
Declared thermal conductivity - λ (D)
Infrared emittance (IE)
Solar reflectance (SR)
Liquid water permeability
Adhesion (N / mm²)
Compressive strength (N / mm²)
Flexural strength (N / mm²)
Bulk density (kg / m³)
Bag weight (kg)
Base 20, Fine 13
Water intake (litre / bag)
Consumption (kg / m² / cm)
Application temperature (°C)
Fire rating
Harmful substances
Recommended thickness (mm)


  • Green Environmental Criteria (CAM) Declaration: a “green purchase” environmental declaration, indicating that this product satisfies the environmental requirements of the Italian Government, representing the best ecological solution for a project when taking into account the entire life cycle of a product from manufacturing to disposal.

Completed Projects

Here are some of our projects using this plaster:


This material can be used in the following applications or solutions:

Photo Galleries

Here are some photos demonstrating this solution. Click on any image to open the photo gallery.

1 found
RasoThermo Heres - Insulating a Listed Farm Building

The thermal insulation of this 16th century timber-frame farm house has been completed with breathable thermal insulation materials. The RasoThermo Heres superinsulating thermal lime plaster has been used for the solid parts of the masonry, resulting in high-performance low-thinkness thermal insulation, retaining the historic character of the building while saving internal space.  

Similar Products

Here are some other similar products of the same category (e.g. other main coats or finishes). Depending on your application, you could use these as alternative products. 

Product Combinations

Although all MGN plasters can be used on their own, in many applications they perform best when certain materials are applied together as a plastering system complementing and reinforcing each other.

Here are some other plasters which are recommended to be used with this one.

Any Questions? Need Technical Advice?

If you have any questions about a project, a problem, a solution, or any of our plasters - please get in touch.

We understand that each project is unique. Using the contact form below feel free to ask us any question. Give us as much detail as you can about your project so we can get back to you with more relevant answers. 

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